Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Time with Jesus in December

Have you noticed that December is probably the busiest month of the year? I believe that this is one of the enemy's greatest distractions- keeping us too busy for Jesus. We shop, wrap, cook, bake, socialize,write to everyone we know, keep traditions, and spend time with friends and family all for the sake of 'Christ'mas?

The Psalms say, "Be still, and know that I Am God."Oh Lord, help us to manage our time better; to prioritize You to the top of our list. As we celebrate You, Jesus, give us the wisdom to know what it is You really want.

May we all keep our eyes focused on Him this holiday season and may we recognize what Christmas is all about. Take that special time to quiet yourself before Him and to listen for that still quiet voice. May God bless you and yours and may this be the best Christmas ever! Happy Birthday Jesus!!


~Lori Fender

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