Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wonderful time in Myrtle Beach, SC

Richie and I are back and after being away for 5 days in Myrtle Beach, SC and are finding it difficult to maneuver back into the demands of every day life. Since being back, I fell because my right ankle that I had surgery on gave out as I was trying to go up our back steps, Hoagie, our little dachshund broke out into hives after getting his yearly check-up and several shots and was not acting like his old self and about worried us to death, I've had non-stop migrane headaches for 3 days now, Richie is once again juggling school, work, and the new internship program he is working with school, and we both just feel rather stretched and pressed for time a lot. I know I know, that's life but sometimes you just wish you were back on that beach where the every day life wasn't weighing on you so heavily and where time and watches were a thing of the past if even for those few days away on vacation. But anyways back to the real life, lol!
Some of my favorite things that we got to do while on vacation was go to Alligator Adventure where I made sure all of my limbs were always close to my body as many alligators were quite hungry al the time. They also had turtles, reptiles, river otters, and many exotic birds on site. The surroundings were also beautiful and as the sun went down it felt even nicer as it was one hot day out there. Another thing that was really cool was that we got to see the last Alligator feeding for the day at 5:00 pm. The alligators are fed chicken parts and you should hear their jaws clamp down when they get the food, yikes!

I would have to say that my most favorite place to go while on vacation was to the Ripley's Aquarium. It was sooo awesome! I definitely think it was the best aquarium that I have ever been to because they had so many displays and they had so much room between everything and that made for easy access to get to see them all. There was tons and tons of aquariums with many different kinds of tropical fish, seahorses, jellyfish, horseshoe crabs, stingrays, sharks, and many different kinds of sealife. It was an awesome experience and we got to do that on our anniversary so that made it even more special. I would definitely go back if ever in the area again!


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