Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The first week of fall is finally here

If any of you are like me you look forward to (in my opinion) what is the best season, fall. I absolutely love the fall weather and I always have. Growing up whenever it cooled down some I was so much more comfortable and content. I guess I'm just one of those people who gets hot easily and tends to sweat more at times. To me there is nothing like taking a nice brisk walk outside in the beautiful fall weather especially in some of the gorgeous surroundings in North Carolina.

When I first moved to Asheville North Carolina back in 1993 the first thing I noticed was the vibrant colors, cooler weather and gorgeous mountains. I had never ventured far from Southern California at that point except for several mission trips to Mexico every year. As you can see from the picture below driving through parts of the Great Smoky Mountains are just incredible. At times it can actually take your breath away it is so beautiful.

It was at that point that I developed a deeper love for the fall season and every year I welcomed it even more. I guess a good analogy for me that I have always been able to relate the fall season to is the season in our lives when we actually fall in love with that special someone. Many individuals like myself wait every year for the fall season to come around and I myself waited for the love of my life to come one day who would in fact become my soulmate.

That day came many years ago and now as I reflect I feel so happy, content, complete and like my every wish came true. Unlike falling in love, the fall season will come every year whether we want it to or not. With falling in love only a handful of people in the world will ever truly find out what it is like to fall in love with their soulmates and experience a love that lasts a lifetime. If you enjoy the fall season as I do and you've been blessed by finding your soulmate then perhaps you can understand what I've been talking about. Even if fall isn't your favorite season and you may not be in your ideal relationship, there are other opportunities that will come your way just like seasons do. Perhaps all we can do is make the best out of what God has given us in life.

Here's to a beautiful fall season. May you all enjoy this time of the year as much as I do and may all your hopes, dreams, and wishes come true this fall of 2008. May God bless you and yours!


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